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Abstracts should be prepared in Word, Word limit 150, and should address the ítems listed below:

  1. TITLE: Arial Font size 12, BOLD, spacing 1.5  between the lines;

  2. AUTHORS: Arial Font size 11, spacing 1.5  between the lines

Format: Surname, Name  (use the letter "a, b... " to indicate affiliation). Indicate the correspondent author with an Asterisk (*). A semicolon should separate the authors' names (;)

   3. AFFILIATION: Arial 8.5, single line spacing. Format: Superscript a,b, c and affiliation for each autor.


a Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas (CONICET-UNC), Córdoba, Argentina

b Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina

   4. EMAIL: from the correspondent autor: Arial 8.5, single line spacing

Format: Superscript*

​  5. ABSTRACT: Arial 10, spacing 1.5  between the lines

  6. KEYWORDS: Font: Arial 9, single line spacing. Separated by commas. Always lowercase, except for proper nouns or, for example, test names. The term Keywords is in italics.


Keywords: behavioral sensitization, stress, mice, female


Please use de registration Link to submit the abstract.


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